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The GURU Fit System

THE GURU FIT SYSTEM™ enables cyclists of all ages and experience levels to find the perfect bike and/or riding position to match their personal preferences & geometry.

The state-of-the-art, computer-controlled GURU DYNAMIC FIT UNIT™ (DFU™) adjusts the riding position in real-time to maximise comfort and efficiency.

Incline/decline adjustment allows you to test riding positions while ascending or descending to simulate riding conditions.

GURU’s Virtual Ride™ combines the real-time action of the DFU™ with the integrated Computrainer unit to track your power output and adjusts resistance to replicate changes in terrain.

For more information:

Custom Built Bikes

Used as a starting point for all our custom built bikes, the GURU Fit System, paired with the expertise of our fitters, ensures that all the components you select for your build are chosen for your specific geometry, comfort and optimum efficiency.


Improve your Ride

RETRO FITS will be available for booking between 1st October and 31st January.  

Not comfortable on your current bike?  Let us do a retro-fit and reconfigure your bike to a new and more efficient position. We look at everything from your cleats upwards, taking into account every contact point between you and your bike.

This is a collaborative process, with the rider and fitter working together to get the final position dialled in.  Every benefit (positive or negative) is felt instantly as the machine moves in real time without the rider having to stop pedalling.

At the end of a ‘conventional’ bike fit, it can be difficult for a rider to remember how their old bike position felt.  The GURU process allows you to seamlessly compare in real time whilst pedalling, your final captured fit and your old position at the touch of a button. This gives you the unique opportunity in real time to feel the before and after impact of your bike fit.